Освещение новых идей, вопросов науки и техники, последних разработок и исследований для специалистов широкого круга

Information For Authors

Dear Author(s)

Submission of a scientific article for publication in the International journal of information and communication technologies is carried out ONLY online by uploading it through the interface of the website of the journal in the general user profile. To do this, you need to register on the website in the "Registration" section, or if you have registration, log in to the system by clicking on "Login" and specifying "Username" and "Password" in the empty line (See The Guidelines for Submitting Articles). Each author needs to register on the website of the journal, saving the login and password to enter (see The Instructions for submitting an article online).

ATTENTION: The text of the article, formatted in accordance with the requirements, should be uploaded in electronic format (with the extensions doc, docx, rtf) in the "Submit Article" section. The texts of articles sent to the personal e-mail of the editors or the e-mail of the journal are not accepted

Before sending the manuscript of an article to the editor, make sure that you are familiar with the editorial policy, publication ethics. Take into account the full compliance with the requirements for the publication of a scientific article (see Requirements for articles). The author is required to submit a cover letter for the publication of a scientific article in the journal.

In accordance with the requirements of the CQAFSHE MSHE RK (Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan), a scientific article should contain:

  1. statement of the problem and determination of the relevance of the study;
  2. analysis of recent studies and publications, highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
  3. theoretical foundations of research, methodology and characteristics of the empirical base;
  4. statement of own conclusions and intermediate or final results of scientific research;
  5. conclusions and prospects for using the research results.

After submission to the editorial office, the article is assessed for compliance with the profile of the journal, technical design requirements, anti-plagiarism check and double-blind review procedure.

The uniqueness of the manuscript is determined by verification in  StrikePlagiarism anti-plagiarism system, including international databases (uniqueness must be at least 80%). Articles that do not pass this threshold are returned to the author for revision. Then the article, corrected by the author, taking into account the comments and corrections of the editorial board, is sent for re-check. For one article, no more than two anti-plagiarism checks are allowed from the date of receipt to the editorial office and after revision. In case of detection of plagiarism and other violations of scientific ethics during a second check, the articles are rejected from publication with written notification to the author with the attachment of the relevant certificate.

In case of a satisfactory result of the anti-plagiarism check (uniqueness above 80%), the articles are submitted for double-blind peer review (when the reviewers do not know the name of the author, and the author does not know the names of the reviewers). Based on the results of peer review and technical verification, the article can either be rejected or sent to the author for revision. Upon receipt of a positive review, the editorial board notifies the authors about the acceptance of the article for publication. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editorial board sends a reasoned refusal to the author.

The revocation or correction of articles is possible at the stage of anti-plagiarism check, review procedure, computer typesetting of the issue by online submission of a request through the general user profile on the e-journal website (see the instructions for submitting an article online). The publication of corrections, apologies, refutations of the information published in the article is made by the editors at the request of the author in subsequent issues of the journal, after considering each case on an individual basis.

Each article is assigned a DOI (the Digital Object Identifier). DOI acts as a hyperlink, which helps to find the necessary document, even if the site where it had been previously published was subsequently changed.

The authors are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the mentioned historical sources, quotations, statistical and sociological data, proper names, geographical names and other information

The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes. The editorial board can publish materials (for discussion) even if the author's point of view is not shared . The editors reserve the right to publish or reject the article.

Articles are posted in electronic form on the website of the journal in the "Archive" section, indicating the edition numbers.

