Освещение новых идей, вопросов науки и техники, последних разработок и исследований для специалистов широкого круга

National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation JSC (hereinafter, the Center for Evaluation) was established by the Decree of the Government of Kazakhstan numbered 831 on July 19, 2011 and is a joint-stock company with 100% state participation and subordinated to the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

is a nonprofit open digital infrastructure organisation for the global scholarly research community. Uniquely and persistently recording and connecting knowledge through open metadata and identifiers for all research objects such as grants and articles. It is the largest digital object identifier (DOI) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation. It has 19,000 members from 150 countries representing publishers, libraries, research institutions, and funders and was launched in early 2000 as a cooperative effort among publishers to enable persistent cross-platform citation linking in online academic journals.[2]

Scientific electronic library eLibrary.RU is the largest Russian information and analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 38 million scientific publications and patents, including electronic versions of more than 5,600 Russian scientific and technical journals, of which more than 4,800 journals are publicly available.

Google Scholar is a popular search engine for scientific publications that makes it possible to get acquainted with the text of articles, books, dissertations and reports, and track the citation of works. To work with the full text of scientific articles and publications, young researchers and scientists with a name should contact Google Scholar.

The General Impact Factor (GTF) and Universal Digital Object Information were founded by a renowned scientist in 2012. The General Impact Factor (GIF) is a measure of the frequency with which an "average article" in a journal is cited over a certain period of time.

a service that provides access to quality controlled scientific journals. The Journal Indexing Handbook aims to be comprehensive and cover all journals that use an appropriate quality control system, and it is not limited to specific languages or subject area

The International DOI Foundation (IDF) is a non—profit membership-based organization that is the main supervisory and management body for the Federation of Registration Agencies (RA), providing end-user services for assigning DOI prefixes, registering DOI for objects, and DOI-related services.

Plagiarism detection system - StrikePlagiarism (service agreement No. 1-18/22 dated 02/21/2022 for a period of 3 years)

After checking the articles for compliance with the requirements of the design of the manuscripts submitted to the Journal, the materials are checked for originality in the StrikePlagiarism system. According to the regulation on the anti-plagiarism system, the article complies with the standards of originality of the work if:

the work does not contain borrowings of more than 30% of the first coefficient;

the work does not contain borrowings of more than 5% of the 2nd coefficient;

The work does not contain more than 10 citations%;

all quotations are correctly framed, there are footnotes;

all quotations are correctly reflected in the list of references;

the work does not contain any manipulations with the alphabet, letter substitution, hidden text, etc.

If the article does not comply with the specified standards, it is sent for revision. If the article has not been corrected or, after revision, it does not meet the standards of originality, the editorial board decides that its publication is unacceptable.
