Освещение новых идей, вопросов науки и техники, последних разработок и исследований для специалистов широкого круга

Country: Kazakhstan Страна: Казахстан
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES registered by the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. KZ82VPY00020475, issued on February 20, 2020. The journal is registered with ISSN (International Standard Serial Number):

ISSN: 2708-2032 (print),

ISSN: 2708- 2040 (online)

Founder and publisher of the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES is International Information Technology University JSC (Almaty, Kazakhstan). The articles are reviewed by leading experts from Kazakhstan and abroad.
Manuscript of a scientific article submitted to the editorial office of the journal is subject to initial review for compliance with the journal's profile, editorial requirements, and design rules. At this stage, the article (the entire article filled, with all output data, annotations and keywords in three languages, references, and information about the authors) is also checked for the presence of borrowed text through the If any comments on the subject, design, or originality are found, the article is returned to the authors without review, and the author is notified accordingly.
Mission of the journal:
To provide conditions for open scientific discussion, with domestic and foreign researchers, publicly accessible on the Internet; to facilitate the exchange of experience and dissemination of research results and new scientific developments in the scientific community; to involve doctoral students, applicants, young specialists, teachers, students, undergraduates and researchers in the publication of scientific articles.
Aims of the journal: to provide conditions for open scientific discussion, including foreign researchers, publicly accessible on the Internet; to promote the exchange of experience, dissemination of research results and new scientific developments in the scientific community, including interdisciplinary research; to involve doctoral students, young specialists, teachers, students, undergraduates and researchers in the publication of scientific articles.
Tasks of the journal: to introduce achievements and innovations in the global technological process, to support new trends and foster the development of innovative areas of research and new initiatives of scientists, to reflect research results and conceptual approaches in science.
The journal publishes fundamental and applied scientific works in the following areas: information technology, information security, communication technologies and digital technologies in socio-economic systems.
The journal is open for cooperation with Kazakh and foreign scientists, research teams, educational and scientific institutions.
The editorial policy of “INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES” is aimed at popularizing the results of new developments by Kazakh and foreign scientists in the field of information and communication technologies and increasing interest in publishing activities of specialists and the general public.
"INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES" is in the public domain (prior consent of the author and publisher for the use of journal materials is not required).
Terms of publication
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES is issued four times a year: first issue – from January to March, the second issue – from April to June; third issue – from July to September, fourth issue – from October to December.
The editorial board accepts original, previously unpublished articles in Kazakh, Russian or English for publication in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES.
The author submits the manuscript to the editor in strict compliance with the rules for formatting a scientific article. Texts of articles are uploaded on the website, in the “Submit an article” section. Articles that are not registered on the site will not be accepted.
Manuscripts received by the editor are first checked in the StrikePlagiarism anti-plagiarism system, after which, if the result is satisfactory (uniqueness of at least 80%), they are sent for review (double-blind review stage). The editors send the authors comments from reviewers, according to which it is necessary to correct and supplement the article. After correcting and receiving a positive review, the editors notify the authors that the article has been accepted for publication. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editors send a reasoned refusal to the author.
In the process of work with the manuscript, communication between the editors, the author of the scientific article and reviewers is carried out through the OJS electronic (online) platform, and in special cases - by email.
The authors are responsible for the selection and reliability of the cited sources, quotes, statistical and sociological data, proper names, geographical names and other information.
