Dear authors
Editors of “INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES” on the basis of the "International Information Technology University" JSC accept previously unpublished manuscripts of articles that meet the requirements of the journal. Author(s) should send all the accompanying documentation in electronic format.
Submission of a scientific article for publication in the International journal of information and communication technologies is carried out ONLY online by uploading it through the interface of the website of the journal in the general user profile. To do this, you need to register on the website in the "Registration" section, or if you have registration, log in to the system by clicking on "Login" and specifying "Username" and "Password" in the empty line (See The Guidelines for Submitting Articles). Each author needs to register on the website of the journal, saving the login and password to enter (see The Instructions for submitting an article online).
ATTENTION: The text of the article, formatted in accordance with the requirements, should be uploaded in electronic format (with the extensions doc, docx, rtf) in the "Submit Article" section. The texts of articles sent to the personal e-mail of the editors or the e-mail of the journal are not accepted.
The author is required to submit a cover letter for the publication of a scientific article in the journal. Authors must indicate in a cover letter in the Open Journal System that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published, and that it does not contain borrowed/plagiarized fragments of the text from other works without reference to them.
The uniqueness of the manuscript is determined by verification in StrikePlagiarism anti-plagiarism system, including international databases (uniqueness must be at least 80%). Articles that do not pass this threshold are returned to the author for revision. The text of the article with a degree of uniqueness above 80 percent (%) is sent to confidential reviewers. The author(s) will be able to track the comments of the confidential reviewer through the Open Journal System website and, correct / edit the article based on the comments of the reviewers. The author can also receive information about a positive conclusion in the personal account on the Open Journal System website. If the article is not recommended for publication, the editors send a reasoned refusal to the author.
1. Rules for manuscript formatting
1.1 Article length: at least 3500 and no more than 5000 words (A4, main text font – Times New Roman, spacing – 1, indentation – 1 cm, font size of the main text – 12, key words, font size of bibliography – 10 , font size of text of tables – 10).
1.2 Margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, bottom and top – 2 cm each.
1.3 The main text should be typed in the Word editor.
1.4 Parentheses are used to designate literary sources, for example: (Askarova, 2010: 77).
1.5 For uniformity of style, do not use font highlights (italics, underlining, etc.) in the text.
1.6 Tables, diagrams, pictures, etc. are numbered sequentially, under the illustration on a given topic, in the center (14 Font size, regular) (for example, Table 1 – Table name (if the manuscript is written in Kazakh and Russian, the English translation is shown in square brackets [...])). If there is one figure in the article, then it is not numbered. Tables, drawings, pictures, etc. should not exceed 20% of the volume of the article (in exceptional case – 30%).
2. Structure of the article (download)
2.1. IRSTI (International Rubricator for Scientific and Technical Information) number, alignment – left, font – bold;
2.2. The title of the article should reflect the meaning and content of the article and attract the attention of the reader. The title should be short. The optimal title length is 5–7 words (9–10 words in some cases). The title of the article should be presented in Russian, Kazakh and English. The title of the article is presented in bold, uppercase letters, alignment is centered;
2.3 Information about the author (s):
- Names of authors (in full) in lowercase letters, bold type in the center, superscript asterisk symbol (*) marks the correspondent author.
- place of work (affiliation): name of the organization, address (written in accordance with the international standard: house, street, city with an index, country). If there are several authors, then it is indicated by superscript characters (1, 2, 3);
- academic degree, title, position;
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), e-mail.
2.4 Abstract of at least 100-150 words. The abstract structure includes the following MANDATORY items:
- Introductory remarks about the research topic;
- Goals and objectives;
- Results;
- Conclusion.
2.5 Keywords – 5–7 words; 2.6 Acknowledgments. If the article is financially supported by a scientific foundation or a scientific project, the information about the sponsoring organization and the name of the project and the type of funding (basic, grant or target-program, etc.) are indicated, and state registration number (OGRN) is indicated; (optional) the author(s) can thank the consultants for help in preparing the manuscript, etc.
2.7 For citing: Full name of the author(s). Article title / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES. electronic scientific journal. Year. Vol. no. pp. the language of the article (Kaz); (the intended number of the journal),
Attention! IRSTI, title of the article, information about the authors, abstract and keywords should be given in Kazakh, Russian and English.
2.8 Main text should contain the following sections:
Introduction which consists of the following main elements:
Rationale for the choice of the topic and relevance of the topic. Justification of the choice of the topic based on the description of the previous research in the area and description of a problem (lack of research, contradiction in research results, emergence of a new object, etc.).
The relevance of the topic can be determined by the general interest in the study, the lack of exhaustive answers to existing questions, proofs of theoretical and/or practical significance of the topic.
Description of the object, subject, aims, objectives, methods, approaches, hypotheses and significance of the study. The aim of the research should be related to the thesis, that is, the presentation of the subject of the research in the aspect chosen by the author.
Materials and research methods. The methodology should contain a description of the materials and progress of the work, and a full description of the methods used. Research methodology should include: research questions; proposed hypothesis (thesis); research stages; research methods.
Description of the research material should include its presentation in qualitative and quantitative format. Characteristics of the material is one of the factors that determine the reliability of the conclusions and research methods.
This section describes how the issue was studied, i.e. it presents the detailed information without repeating previously published findings; the identification of sources and the description of newly identified archival and other written materials should be used, with the obligatory display of novelty when using materials and methods.
Discussion (literature review). This section should include fundamental and new works on the topic under study, including foreign authors in English, analysis of these works in terms of their scientific contribution, and gaps in previous studies, which the author tries to bridge in his article.
It is UNACCEPTABLE to have many references that are not related to the work, or inappropriate judgments about the achievements of the author(s).
Results. This is one of the most important sections of the article, where the author should analyze the results of the research and compare them with previous works and conclusions. Conclusions are given based on the results obtained in the study, thus the essence of the object of study is revealed.
Conclusion generalizes and summarizes the work. It confirms the truth of the assertion put forward by the author, and describes the change in scientific knowledge, taking into account the results obtained. Conclusions should not be abstract, they should be aimed at summarizing the results of research in a particular scientific field, with an outline of proposals / prospects for further work.
Conclusion should answer the following questions: How are the aims, objectives and methods of the research implemented? What are the results? What are the conclusions? What are the prospects and opportunities for implementation and practical application of the results?
2.9 References
- At least 20 references to the sources should be included (in the original language in the text) in alphabetical order.
- Transliterated references (if the reference is not in English, the English translation is given in brackets). If it is translated from the Kazakh language, then at the end of the link it should be indicated [In Kaz.]
Transliterated References "Transliterated References" is a bibliographic information in English, transliteration of the list of used literature. In this section, the list of references written in non-Latin script is transliterated using the Latin alphabet.
Then, in curly brackets, the title of the cited work is translated into English, and at the end, in vertical brackets, the language of the document in the version [In Kaz. / In Rus.] is indicated.
In the case of a citation from a book, the name of the publisher (if it is the name of an institution) and the place of publication are translated into English, in all other cases they are transliterated.
Transliteration can be done in automated software ( However, the results of transliteration should be rechecked by the author and the necessary corrections should be introduced (See Appendix 1)
Manuscripts of the articles that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted for publication.
Executive Editor: R.ZH. Mrzabayeva
Address of the editorial office: Manas st. 34/1,
Almaty. 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan
tel.: +7 (727) 244-51-09.
Journal website: